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Custom Space Shooter


After finishing the original version of the SpaceShooter game, I set out to make some customizations.  Ultimately I decided to do a Start Menu and a "You Win" Menu using a couple more scripts and Photoshop.

To create the StartMenu, I used a separate tutorial online and created it through an entirely different 'project.'  This StartMenu had a script that encompassed GUI text (indicating buttons), and text to indicate that the page had to load "Level 1" otherwise known as the actual game.  To create the StartMenu Picture, I used the same size as the quad of the background and masked out scenes of the spaceship and asteroids on Photoshop.  Once I included it into the Project, I added another quad with separate lighting to make it visible as a backdrop.

To create the "Win Screen," I built it into the existing game and GameController Script.  To begin, I created, like the StartMenu, a separate project, and created the backdrop the same way but with different text.  Adding it into the GameController Script, I labeled it as a loaded "Level 2" (as opposed to "1" which was the game) that activated once the Player destroyed a certain number of asteroids (in this case, 50).

At one time, I attempted to make Enemy Ships to join the asteroids in destroying the player.  However, after three days of not quite getting the scripting correct, I started and finished the menus as an alternative.  To play the original game, click HERE.

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