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Space Shooter Game



As the second constructed video game of the year, I put together "Space Shooter."  Again using a Unity tutorial, I was able to learn more about scripting and how every component affects one another.

Because the models were premade with the tutorial, scripting was the main creative component in the project.  Some of the most important were the Player Controller: the script used to control the main 'character-' to move, to fire, etc., the Destroy By Contact: the script used to signal the main 'character' to explode when hit by other objects in the game (the asteroid), the Game Controller: the script that handled the entirety of the game; spawning waves of asteroids at random times and in desired amounts; and handling GUI text, and The Random Rotator: the script responsible for tumbling the asteroids in random directions.

There were multiple components or elements that required scripts under their heirarchies.  The main ones are the player (the ship), the enemy (asteroid), and the bolt (the element fired from the player to explode the asteroids).  The showcased "Quad" housed the background for the game.

Overall, I am pleased with the results of the 'original' Space Shooter game.  Find my customized version HERE.

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